Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
We begin the season of Lent and I am hoping and praying that this will be a special time for each of us to discover more profoundly just how much God loves us and desires us to live a life free from fear under the guidance and anointing of the Holy Spirit.
Our parish provides many opportunities to help us grow during this holy season. Please take a look at the Lenten Calendar for our parish and prayerfully sit down to do some planning on how God is calling you to journey with us as a community of faith.
There are also many helpful resources available for your spiritual growth on the FORMED website. If you have not yet had the opportunity to sign-up and use this great resource, please do so by using the code at the bottom of the page. The “Who Am I To Judge?” resource will provide you with you a great opportunity to better cherish the guidance and teachings of the Church and God’s desire for us to live a happy life.
Lastly, a few weeks ago during the Sunday homily, I promised I would make a beautiful prayer on forgiveness available to you. You can find that resource by clicking on
I am looking forward to a fruitful and beautiful Lent! God bless!
in Christ,
Fr. James Northrop
P.S. The prayer resources I mentioned in the homily for the 1st Sunday of Lent are at
The Men’s Retreat I will be conducting (March 24-26) is HERE.