Mission, Vision and Values

We, the St. Brendan Catholic Community are called to:
- celebrate through Word and Sacrament;
- be formed as disciples and go forth as apostles; and
- reach out to all with love and respect
in order to make visible the reign of God by transforming our world.
When our mission is fully realized:
- Our parish community is growing in our faith and developing a deeper relationship with God and trust in God’s plan for us. Our worship is profound, prayerful and joyful.
- Parents in our community are fulfilling their responsibility of passing on the gift of faith to their children. Our school excels in educating and inspiring students in a Catholic-centered environment. All of our parishioners, young and old, participate in formation programs, both as teachers and students.
- Our parish life is vibrant, active and fun. We embrace and celebrate the diversity of our parish and surrounding community. Stewardship is a way of life for us. This leads to prophetic outreach and action for social justice. Parishioners see themselves as disciples and apostles; they minister through their gifts in their families, in their work and in the wider world.
The people of St. Brendan Parish value:
- Hospitality – inviting people from many backgrounds to be united in faith.
- Worship and Prayer – profound, joyful celebration of Word and Sacrament, and Catholic devotions.
- Lifelong Faith Formation – passing along our faith, while developing a deeper personal relationship with Jesus Christ and His Church.
- Stewardship – recognizing that all our gifts are from God, and that we are to share our time, talent and treasure with others.
- Evangelization – bringing the Gospel to others, and inviting others to share in our faith.
- Outreach – open and generous service to others
- Justice – advocacy and action flowing from the Catholic social tradition for the sanctity of life in all its expressions.