We have officially began a new year as a parish and everything is gearing up for us to start up our Faith Formation programs. Forming our children, youth, and adults in the Catholic faith remains a top priority for our parish. I personally am looking forward to reinforcing our theme “See what love the Father has bestowed on us that we are called children of God. Yet so we are”. Everything we do should revolve around the Truth of God’s love for us and allowing His grace to bring healing and hope into our lives and the lives of others. This is what it means by living by the law of the “Spirit”.
The reason our world is filled with so much chaos and violence is because people are separated from God. When we live in our dignity as children of God we build a culture of life where everyone has a place in the Kingdom of God. The gun violence, the reality of abortion, broken families, unjust economic systems, etc, are all symptoms that we need to do more to reach out to people and invite them into a saving relationship with Jesus Christ.
All of us our broken vessels and God very much cares about the things in life that weigh us down and rob us from experiencing “life in abundance” (cf. John 10:10). We have a wonderful opportunity to experience the healing power of the Holy Spirit each Wednesday during the Prayer Group. The third Wednesday is set aside for prayer ministry. I would like to extend an invitation for you to join us if you have any need for healing in your life or in your family.
The Prayer Group begins at 7:30 PM each Wednesday night and meets in the church. If you have any questions, please contact Matt Smeby at msmeby18@gmail.com.
Have a great month of October and let’s work together to build a culture of life where everyone is welcome and affirmed from conception until natural death.
In Christ,
Fr. Jim